Monday, September 11, 2017

Back to blogging Again


       Hey everyone if anyone even reads this blog lol. I have decided to start using this blog again and post my videos and such on here. I have been trying to get into blogging more. And also back to weight loss and healthy eating again. I have been walking daily tons and getting my steps in daily. We got a new puppy and she needs lots of walks and attention so she is my walking buddy I walk with her twice a day and walk to and from work two times a day and now that school is back in I am also walking my kids to and from school daily. I am trying to build a routine that I can keep for in the morning and at night. I want to make more time for youtube videos and editing them. I want to maybe one day do this for a living so I can stay at home regularly or full time with my kiddos, before they get to old. I started a patron account and am hoping to go somewhere with that.
   I am getting back to my weight loss vlogs and I am also doing a challenge wa#walk100miles by November 30 2017. So I am vlogging about that and I started doing the speed cleaning videos and I am doing grocery hual videos.  I am also going to try and do the odd DITL videos as well. I am trying to come up with more ideas to vlog about. If anyone out there has any ideas. I am even willing to collab with people as well, which I think would be fun. I have seen it done on a lot of other channels.

 Alright I guess that's it for now. I will be trying to film maybe tomorrow my morning routine with my kids on what we do to get ready for school. and then a night time routine on what we do to get ready for bed.

Have a great night day or afternoon depending on where your reading this from in what ever part of the world your from.

Hugs always

Mini Grocery Hual// food basics walmart and independant grocer