Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Goals update

Image result for 2018 goals

1) work on cutting back on soda ( diet )
2) drink more water 
3) back to tracking my food everyday
4) portion control
5) working out 
6) junk food
7) fast food

I have been working on my goals and trying my best to accomplish them. I have done well with some and with other's I still need lots and lots of work on. But you know what I am determined to break my bad habits and create new ones. So what have I accomplished this month and what do I still need to work on you ask? well keep reading and I will tell you.

my fist goal I have been trying and trying to cut out for a long long time. I still struggle with this everyday but I am determined to give it up once and for all. so I will be carrying this goal with me into February.I have how ever cut my intake of this bad bad stuff down by like half. I used to drink this stuff like water and could not go without it. I would drink it 7 days a week twice a day sometimes more then that. I know can go for a few days at a time without it and have only one a day when I do for the most part. As I type this I will admit I am on my second one for the day and have had one every day since Friday and some days I have had two. But starting tomorrow I am giving it up for 28 days. if I can do this then I can be done with it for ever. and this is my all time biggest goal ever is not want it at all. 

my next goal is to drink more water. I have been doing well with this for the most part. But when I have my soda that is when I slack on the water. And I tell you I do notice when I don't drink enough of it. so by giving up the pop starting tomorrow I will be aiming to get in at least 64 oz of water daily. 
my third goal, back to tracking I have been doing this since Jan 1 2018. I have now done this for 30 days. My goal now with this is to get better at it and do it properly. I will talk more about that in my post for my February goals. 
my fourth goal which is portion control. I have been doing OK with this for the most part but def can do better that's for sure. I get lazy and don't want to take the time to measure and weigh everything. I know I don't have to but you know what if I don't then I am an all or nothing kind of girl. I will fill my plate and eat until I am so full I wanna go and have a nap. also with doing proper portion control this will also help and make the tracking easier. I don't always need that extra pasta or piece of cheese cake or chocolate .

my fifth goal. was to get back to working out. I am happy to say that I am working out again. I just need to do it regularly and not make any excuses not to do it. Like today I have my period and have cramps and am extra tired well I decided I didn't want to work out. cause I didn't feel well. but I just switched my rest day. So now instead of having a rest day on the weekend I have to work out. 

Junk food , is also a down fall of mine. I crave a lot of crap around that time of the month and feel like I have to feed an army when it's just me. I want chocolaty and salty and crunchy. the more the better whether I am hungry or not. So this goal will also carry over with me to February

and my last goal. I am also carrying over I want to get this down to once a week then once every two weeks then maybe once or twice a month . We will see. So there you have it. My goals.

I may not have been perfect threw it all this month but you know what it's all about baby steps and sticking to it and fighting for what you want. I stuck to it and planed things out and for the most part I have done really well for myself. 

how have your goals been going so far this year. ? have you accomplished what you wanted to or are there things that you will be carrying over till next month.? 

I will be back tomorrow with another post with my goals for February  

Have a great rest of the day
and my you accomplish what ever goals you have set for your self.
One thing never give up on yourself your worth the effort and you will get there 


Goals and A chit chat

Sunday afternoon walk and chat #1

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jan 18 2018 update // Huawei Watch 2 Classic smart watch

short update on my goals and my new smart watch. I am hoping to do more short videos like these to get my channel out there as youtube has made new changes and after Feb 20 I will not be able to monetize my videos anymore. I need 1000 subscribers and 4000 view minutes or something like that it is stupid.