Thursday, December 14, 2017

vlog #2|| cleaning and a DITL SAHM

Yesterday's vlog. Dec 13 2017. trying to get a cleaning routine set up for the house so that on the weekends I am not spending my time cleaning and can enjoy it with the kids. have been doing fairly well. I also have been taking naps when needed and getting my rest. I need to keep this up and not fall behind.

Thanks for watching and the support means a lot .



Monday, December 11, 2017

Coming Back || vlog #1 goals

my goals that I talk in my blog post.

2018 Goals

        Alright time for me to get my ass back on track and eating better. I have been feeling like crap for most of this years and I know if I change my eating and get back to my workouts. I will start feeling better again. I have been fighting to give up caffeine and was doing well until recent. But have noticed that while drinking coffee my stomach does not agree with it. SO I need to stop it again all together. SO that is my goal from now until Jan 1 2018 to not drink any more coffee. I drink the starbucks bottled cold coffee.

1) work on no junk food such as
      - chips
      - chocolate bars and candies
2) Track my food better. I use myfitnesspal and need to stick with it for more then just a day or two
3) Healthier meals and snacks and I need to do 5 - 6 mini meals a day
4) no more caffeine at all no matter what
5) Eat every 2 to 3 hrs no skipping meals.
6) Drink 64 ounces plus of water daily.
7) Back to workouts daily. 5 days a week at least plus walking the dog twice daily
8) Get my sleep in bed at a decent time no later then 11pm up by 630 am work out then get kids up by 7-730
9) set a regular bed time routine for both the kids and stick to it. giving them regular showers and meal times. No more being lazy with this this is a must no matter what.

Break Down of goals

- starting with the junk food. I will be cutting out the chips and chocolate bars and candy start now today Dec 11 2017, I want to have a head start on this and then this way it shouldn't be as hard come the new yrs. starting tomorrow I will not being having any more coffee as I have had one today and now I don't feel that great. I need to learn I don't need it and just get over it already. There are other things to drink and that I will feel better without it. I am going to also start blogging again here and I think will start my youtube channel back up again as well.

  This is all for now I will come back tomorrow with an update on how day one has gone without any junk food.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you will come back to see how I do with my goals.
